In this blog post, I'm going to talk about the dangers of relying on your feelings. I think a lot of people rely on their feelings to guide them through life, but this isn't always the best way to go.
This is illustrated in the bible story of Jacob and Essau. In the bible story of Isaac Jacob and Essau. Isaac told Essau to go out and find something wild and cook it the way I like it, then I am going to bless you. But Rebecca, Esau’s mother cooked up a scheme to fool Isaac because he was blind and could not see.
She went into the back yard and killed something that was not wild and cooked it to make it taste like something wild and gave it to Jacob to take to his father. When Jacob told her that his brother was hairy and he had smooth skin. His mother glued animal skin to his arms so he would feel like his brother. This story shows the dangers of relying on your feelings.
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God expects you to do something before he blesses you
As a follow up thought, I want you to know that before God blesses you, you have to do something. He is not going to bless you if you sit on the couch and pray. He is going to tell you to go look for work, go fill out applications. If you are praying for a spouse he is going to tell you to go to the watering hole to find this man. Don’t expect to sit on the couch and this man will knock on your door. God also wants to bless you when you take risks and be wild. Isaac told Essau to go hunting for something wild, cook it the way I like and then I will bless you.
But Rebecca, Esau’s mother cooked up a scheme to fool Isaac because he was blind and could not see. She went into the back yard and killed something that was not wild and cooked it to make it taste like something wild and gave it to Jacob to take to his father. When Jacob told her that his brother was hairy and he had smooth skin. His mother glued animal skin to his arms so he would feel like his brother.
[caption id="attachment_5322" align="alignnone" width="300"]Your feelings can lie to you
Which is the lesson for today. Sometimes your feelings lie, so don’t always trust your feelings. Do a deep dive into the situation. Gather all the facts.
Your feelings will convince you they are coming back even though they have clearly moved on.
- Ignore your feelings and trust your spirit
- Your spirit is stronger than your flesh
- Be honest with yourself
- Why are you still with that man? It is because of how he makes you feel.
- You can’t be with somebody just because of how they make you feel
- Jacob felt like his brother, but he didn’t sound like your brother.
When he spoke his father noticed the difference. He said you feel like Jacob but you don’t sound like him.
Don’t get caught up in how that man makes you feel, listen to what he says and how he says it. Because out of the mouth the heart speaks.
[caption id="attachment_4930" align="alignnone" width="225"]Listen to what people are saying: Don't just trust your feelings
Is he talking about the future or is he talking about himself. You have to watch for the disconnect between the feelings and the voice.
Isaacs realized that the feelings did not match the voice.
Then he became suspicious and asked. How did you get it so quickly? That is how did you go hunting for something wild and cooked it so quickly.
Jacob lied and said I got it this quickly because of God. God did it. If you do something wild, then that could be your true answer. God did it for me. They told me it was going to take 10 years before I could be a supervisor, but God did it in 3 years.
[caption id="attachment_4714" align="alignnone" width="300"]God did it for me
They ask me, how did your podcast become #1 in the personal development space? How did you get it so quickly with no celebrity guests on your show? How did you get it so quickly as an independent podcaster without a team.
My answer I got so quickly because of God and my mother.
My mother wasn’t the perfect mother, but she taught me how to trust God. She showed me how to work hard and to never give up.
I got it so quickly because I was born to do this. I was anointed by God for this job and the devil knows not to mess with me.
In your daily life, your feelings, thoughts, and attitudes are you order form. The currency you pay for your order to the universe is your belief. You have to establish the feelings the condition you want is already present.
Feelings can be deceiving
Jacob got his blessing by pretending to feel like his brother, but he had to run for his life after that because his brother wanted to kill him.
Isaac could not give Essau his blessing as the first born son because he had already given it to Jacob and he could not take it back. Similarly, when you give yourself to someone because of how they made you feel and then you find out that they tricked you, you can’t take back what you give them already. That is why, never trust your feelings alone, because your feeling can lie to you.
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