In this podcast episode, we're going to explore the mysterious world of the, vagus nerve, and its role in our soul. We'll explore the science behind the vagus nerve and what it means for our spiritual journey. If you're curious about the vagus nerve and its connection to your spiritual journey, then this episode is for you!
We'll explore the science behind the vagus nerve and its role in our soul. We'll discuss the spiritual significance of the vagus nerve and how it can help us connect with our innermost self. This is a unique episode that will serve as a introduction to the spiritual world for those who are curious about it!
The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the human body. The soul is believed to be this silver cord which is attached at the breastbone that feeds the soul oxygen. This magnetic operation depends entirely on the pure effort of the soul using the spirit of, etheric body, through the Highway of the, vagus nerve.
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Rev. Karen E. Herrick, PhD, finished an interdisciplinary doctoral major at Union Institute and University, Cincinnati, Ohio, in 2008 in Philosophy.
After having a profound spiritual experience during a Hylotropic Breathwork training, Karen Herrick became extremely interested in the connection between the body and the spirit, and how we can use this information to help people heal.
Did extensive research into spiritual psychology, spiritual phenomena, and titled her heavily researched thesis "Naming Spiritual Experiences". She has shared her clinical expertise for thirty years in private practice and by lecturing on dysfunctional, addictive homes, dissociation, and grief and loss from a Jungian perspective. She is now researching the potential benefits of mediumship knowing that grief is primarily resolved when the bereaved can recognize their continuing spiritual bonds with the deceased.
Myrna: How does the 2 bodies, the physical body and the, spiritual body, work together?
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[caption id="attachment_6979" align="alignnone" width="300"]The soul is part of our spiritual body
Humans have two bodies. We have a physical body and then we have a, spiritual body. The, spiritual body, comes from an atom that is placed in utero when we are conceived. And the physical body grows around that atom. So, as we grow physically, the spiritual body grows. So, you have this miniature body that is growing inside of you. And it is housed in your solar plexus.
And there's a cord that attaches to your breastbone, which is called the silver cord. When you die and go to the other side, your soul has to go because a soul is not born, it was created. And so, it has to go back up to the etheric world. So, gravity doesn't stop it because it just goes, but what I figured out this cord is connected to the, vagus nerve, which is the longest nerve in your body.
It goes from the top comes down goes around your neck, the amygdala, which controls the fight flight or frozen impulses, and then goes down your spine into your heart and into your stomach. Darwin said in the 1700s, that this was your pneumo gastric nerve.
So, I started studying the, vagus nerve. Dr. Porges was teaching you this, vagus breath, where you breathe in, for instance to the count of four, and then you breathe out as long as you can go because that relaxes the, vagus nerve.
Myrna: I do the, vagus breath, I do breathe in for 4, hold for 4 and out for 6.
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[caption id="attachment_6786" align="alignnone" width="300"]Vagus nerve and spirituality
Karen: That's fine once it's a longer outlet. However, you do it calms down the, vagus nerve, so that people with post-traumatic stress or panic, anxiety can calm themselves down. So, I started teaching that we all have this, vagus nerve, and we are responsible for keeping it calm.
Myrna: Okay, a couple of circle backs there. Wow. I keep saying this every week. I love my work. So, let's talk about the soul because I've heard before that the soul goes in and out. Right, it's in front of you. Sometimes it goes in and it's around the, solar plexus. I've actually never heard before that the soul is connected to a cord and your body grows around it.
Karen: It forms a mass of some kind. So that could be atoms, protons, chemicals, I'm not sure what it looks like coming up the, vagus nerve, but some people have explained that they actually saw it outside of their body. That the soul is egg shaped and it's connected by the silver cord is connected by a cord because it always needs the oxygen from your physical body in order to survive. Now, so, people that have had this experience where they can leave from the physical body and go into the, spiritual body, that is called, astral travel.
[caption id="attachment_5657" align="alignnone" width="300"]The soul travels in and out of the physical body
So, when you talk about the soul it can be right out in front of you. When you sleep at night, supposedly, this, etheric body, can come out the top of your head and can be laying straight over you. And some different men that have written books about leaving their body a lot. They didn't necessarily have spiritual experiences. They just left their body.
Now, I know that they talk about trauma or an auto accident, where your soul body can just come straight out but that's in trauma. Right? They say when that happens your, etheric body, your soul is very confused, because it just got jarred out you can imagine. Right? But the typical way what I've read is that if you die in your bed at night or in the ambulance, if people are clairvoyant, they can see your soul leaving your body through the top of your head and then turns into this beautiful light.
Sometimes they see an angel coming that will take you, sometimes they see your deceased relatives come over to take you. And they're giving you a hand so that you can be lifted.
[caption id="attachment_5322" align="alignnone" width="300"]The soul sticks around for a review after death
Myrna: I heard that was from Dr. Wayne Dwyer. He was not clairvoyant, but he talked about an experience where he was on a beach in Hawaii, and this woman drowned and he was able to see her soul hover above her body. I also heard several places that the soul sticks around for three days. or something like that.
At the core though this is new information to me. I also know about, astral travel, where the mystics can actually leave their body and come back. I do a spiritual warfare prayer that says that you are blocking, astral travel, because people can use that for evil.
So, you're saying that the people that have seen the soul. Everybody that talks about the other side, whether it's a, near death experience, or your rebirth experience, talks about beauty and love on the other side.
Karen: Well, I think it's easier when we try to understand that we have three metaphysical systems that swirl around us at all times. And the first one is the sensory reality, where you and I are speaking now. Sensory reality that's normal reality we have this second reality is the, Clairvoyant reality. Oh, that is what your soul with anybody that can see your soul body, outside of you is clairvoyant.
Near death experiences: The soul leaving the body
So, when people have a, near death experience, and they go up there and maybe about 20% of them have the spiritual part where they see the flowers and the beautiful music and smell the perfume and everything's wonderful. They usually meet a deceased person, a loved one who tells them it's not your time and you have to come back.
And then they have a lot of pain and depression about that. Carl Jung had a vision in the 1940s. And he called it a vision because there wasn't the term, near death experience, yet. He was in the hospital. He had a heart attack and he left his body and he went out into the universe, and he saw Earth. So, when he describes his pictures of Earth, the descriptions that what the guys who would face when they took pictures of Earth exactly the same thing. He had that kind of everybody has maybe a little different version. I mean, some people have the classic, near-death experience.
Okay, and I what I've learned with the research is, I believe, number one, that the Holy Spirit is in charge of, spiritual experiences, and that your soul determines what kind of, spiritual experience, you're going to have. When you go into this clairvoyant space. Everything is calm and beautiful and loving. You're touching some part of that fourth dimension
Book: The Psychology of the Soul in the Paranormal
My book is called Psychology of the Soul in the Paranormal. Some people have a, near death experience, and the, vagus nerve, becomes bigger because it vibrates. Okay, so when things vibrate, it causes structure to shift. So, then something happens around their ears, they say, and their whole-body shifts. It turns counterclockwise. Then what happens is that this, etheric body, just gets pushed up the, vagus nerve, and at the top of the head.
So this is how the soul leaves the physical body around the ears, whirring noises is heard. This sends out an impulse to change rotation of the body, and the vibration is now getting stronger in that nerve. And this activates the sacrum through the, vagus nerve, in the middle of our sympathetic and parasympathetic sections of the nervous system.
As chemicals are being released. The energy pierces the top, the center of your skull, where the medulla oblongata and the pineal gland open the top sharp, which is where your soft spot used to be. And people usually hear a click in the head area, which results in one's leaving one's body, expanding their consciousness with an out of body or near death. And this bodily energy would be like the energy that powers the orgasmic response.
So, your physical body become shaken down to a molecular level and atomic level activating the, spiritual body, to leave the physical body going up the, vagus nerve, silver cord which is attached at the breastbone because you need that to attach when you leave so that you get oxygen while you're up there flying around. Okay. This magnetic operation depends entirely on the pure effort of the soul using the spirit of, etheric body, through the Highway of the, vagus nerve.
Your life review after death
Myrna: I love the word highway. That's a good word for it.
Karen: Those are according to your research. The soul starts immediately flying around. It takes three days to so leaves because the soul actually goes through a life review where they get a movie of their life from the time they were born until they just died. And that is given to them. From the perspective of the other people. How you treated all these people all in your life.
Myrna: You guys listening, there is accountability. Christianity is supposed to be the day of reckoning.
Karen: According to the Reverend Dr. Karen Wynn as you die you get this life review and then they say a lot of people have been at their funeral, which is usually more than three days, that while they come back, the, etheric body, comes back because they're still like pretty low. They're a little bit above us. They say they can understand everybody's thought at that funeral, which is gonna be pretty eye opening.
Myrna: We talked about the, vagus nerve, and we talked about spirituality and how the soul leaves the body through the highway. But you also talk about the, vagus nerve, and the, spinal cord. What that connection?
Karen: Yeah, that's all I know about it that and then right around here chakras are in the same place that are invisible. And so the shoppers would be giving the vibration to the, vagus nerve, because they are circles of energy you know, so if you go to a healer, usually when they do that or Reiki they put their hands over you they are unblocking those chakras, because if you have trauma or grief or anger, it blocks those energy centers. And so then that's why you feel better when you leave after one of those here with.
Grandma What is a Soul
Myrna: Tell us about your books. One of them is called “Grandma What is the soul? And then the other one is “Psychology of The Soul and the Paranormal.” So, talk to us about your books. What made you write the books and what do you want people to walk away with after reading.
Karen: okay, well the first one “You're Not Finished Yet” about people that grew up in an alcoholic or dysfunctional family. Because a lot of people that live with trauma and alcoholism. They don't believe there is a God just like I did. Because you think it's just too messy down here and you know, we're not the right people, right. So that was my beginning and then the second one was “Grandma, what is the soul” and that was because my last grandchild. When he was five. We were in the car and he said Grandma, I don't want you to die. He sounded afraid. So, so I have a PhD in spiritual psychology. So, I thought, well, I'm gonna be able to handle this one.
So, I said, I said, well, you know, you have to be really old to die. And I'm not really old yet. But you know, when I get to be really old and I die, my soul will come back and watch over you so he said, Grandma, what is the soul?
Myrna: How can listeners pick up copies of your book and connect with you?
Karen: My website is Social media handle is @karenherrick.
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