My grandmother taught me if you give away the cow, then there is no reason to purchase the milk. What that means if you practice casual sex, there is no reason for a man to marry you.
I got inspiration for this episode from the Fresh and Fit podcast. My son introduced me to this podcast. They have the men market covered. So since this is #1 self-improvement podcast in the world for women, I thought I should get into the conversation and share my wisdom. The first episode I watched on the Fresh and Fit podcast was about what a high value man looks for in a woman. Good information, I realized immediately that they were picking up where, Kevin Samuels, left off.
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High Value man and casual sex
I will have a future episode on what is a, high value man, and what they look for in a woman, because ladies you at least need to know what men are thinking. Thus, the book and movie Think Like a man. But today I want to address the phenomena of casual sex. That is women sleeping with men who don’t even call you their girlfriend or woman, much less wife. On the Fresh and Fit podcast they interview women and ask them about their body count aka how many men they have slept with because ladies it matter to a man who wants to make you his woman or wife.
So how did we get here? How did we get from women being virgins on our wedding day to discussing our body count?
I believe that someone put out the false narrative that sex is the way to a man’s heart.
My grandmother always told me that food was the way to a man’s heart that is why women over 40 know how to cook a good meal not an air fryer meal. The new generation do not even know how to cook and today everybody should be able to cook. When I first got married, I used to call my mom and ask her how to cook stuff. My daughter has never called me and asked me how to cook stuff because all she has to do is go on Google or YouTube for a recipe.
The Transform Your Mind Podcast is the #1 Personal Development Podcast for women in the world.
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What a High value man looks for in a woman
I talked to my brother, a high value man, and asked him if he cares how many men his woman slept with and he told me he wouldn’t want to know. My follow up question was let’s say she slept with 30 men he almost had a conniption. He said that is almost a roulette wheel. A roulette wheel has 32 numbers. Some women get to 30 men body count in a few years.
So back to the Fresh and Fit podcast. I was trying to find that episode on the high value man and I came across the episode that was a tribute to, Kevin Samuels
It was a call-in show and one guy told a story of how he met a girl in a restaurant and totally ignored her. When he left the restaurant, she walked up to him and asked him “You want my number” and he said no.
So, she Dm’d him on Instagram and they started talking. A few weeks later she asked him if he wanted to come over. He said Yes
So, he went to her apartment and a short time later she was giving him oral sex and then according to him he was smashing it.
Then he left and never called her again and she was blowing up his phone and he never called her back.
His conclusion, the more badly you treat a woman the more she wants you.
[caption id="attachment_3581" align="alignnone" width="300"]Casual sex and your value as a woman
Men actually believe this because women always seem to love the bad boys. You seen the Whitney Houston documentary?
So, let’s dissect all the things this girl did wrong
Firstly, ladies’ men are hunters, let them hunt. Do not throw yourself at a man. If has the same effect as him finding a dead dog at his door. That’s why women in the olden days played hard to get. This allowed the men to go fishing and enjoy reeling in their catch.
# 2 Why would you invite a man to your house for sex and he hasn’t even invited you out on a date? I am trying to get into her head. Did she think she had skills and that was the way to his heart?
Ladies, according to Andre Paradis, relationship coach, the moment you have sex with a man his emotional connection with you halts. I do not know about all that, I do know that if marriage is your end game no man marries a ho.
One of the topics on the Fresh and Fit podcast is about body count. No man wants to be where everyone else been, that is why they asked the question.
If you haven’t watched the movie, Think Like a Man you need to go watch it. Steve Harvey laid out some rules like the fundamentals, Have the man call you his girlfriend before you take the cooked out of the cookie jar. Let him wait 90 days before you engage in casual sex, in the meantime let him wine and dine you. Let him work for your cookie.
[caption id="attachment_3951" align="alignnone" width="256"]Conclusion: let the man court you before engaging in sex
Casual sex, or giving away your milk before they buy the cow, will make you end up old and alone. I hope this helps someone.
Thanks for tuning into the transform Your mind to transform your life the podcast. I would love to hear your comments in chat.
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