Monday, September 4, 2023

Decoding the Language of the Universe: Understanding Signs and Their Mes...


Have you ever experienced a moment when you felt the universe was trying to communicate with, signs and symbols? Many people believe that the universe communicates with us through signs. In this blog post  SIMRAN author of Signs: Everyday Encounters With Pathways, Turning Points, and Divine Guideposts teaches us how to trust signs, interpret signs, the difference between a sign, symbol and synchronicity and why the universe speaks to us through, signs and symbols

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As a Christian, I follow the rules of, signs and symbols. Deepak Chopra introduced me to the word synchronicity and my very first book Becoming Conscious my Awakening, I talk about synchronicities. In this post and podcast  we're gonna to talk about, signs and symbols, communication, and synchronicities

Simran is the author of the book Signs Everyday Encounters with Pathways Turning Points and Divine Guide Posts.  A book in the common sentience book series.  She's a love Catalyst, Rebel humanitarian and sacred Soul activists.  As the number one rated host of 11: 11 talk radio and publisher of the Nautilus award-winning 11:11 magazine Simran creates Art, online courses, books and media to bridge Humanities experience.

[caption id="attachment_7482" align="alignnone" width="300"]Book Signs Book Signs[/caption]


Simran speaks about the beauty of our Humanity in all of its expressions and the radiance of our Divinity as an external experience.  Simran is the author of The Gold award-winning books:  Conversations with The Universe, Your Journey to Enlightenment and your journey To Love.  She's also released the new Trilogy on self-realization: the first one is called LIVING: the Seven blessings of Human Experience,  second one is called BEING: the seven illusions that derail personal power purpose and peace and the third one at KNOWING:  The Seven Human Expressions of Grace. SIMRAN resides  in Charleston South Carolina and is devoted to the, journey of the Soul.

The 11:11 sign

I was in a place of  losing myself and really being in a state of confusion and not understanding why the world felt so hard and uncomfortable, painful and challenging and stressful.  I went into my prayer room,  and I prayed and said just send me a sign.  Let me know I'm not alone, I just really need to know that there is something bigger than me out there, and the next thing I knew, I started receiving these experiences with the numbers 11 11.

I would see the numbers dozens of times a day up to 30, 40, 50 times a week they would appear on any and everything imaginable from Billboards to license plates to mailboxes, to store receipts they just would show up and it was undeniable.  So either I was losing my mind and really going crazy or number two the universe really was speaking to me.

What I'm talking about is that which is bigger than all of us and yet unites all of us in some way that we are interconnected with that aspect of life was letting me know that I was not alone and was about to open the doorway to a whole world of signs and symbols that I never even imagined possible.

Myrna: Did you researched what 11: 11 means?  I know numbers mean something.

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What is synchronicity

Simran:  So often these numbers 11 or 11: 11 would appear and they'd make me pause. I'd go oh there's that number again.  That's how the signs start. You may be seeing something else, maybe it's a cardinal, maybe it is a feather.  There's something in your world that is appearing to you.  Signs and symbols, communication, usually shows up in those moments that either you have a question that you're really struggling with or it comes along in the exact moment that you're dreaming about the life that you really want to live.

The numbers and the prompts or the, signs and symbols, communication, they show up as comfort you and to let you know that the Universe really does have your back.  They will show up as confirmation.

Myrna:  when you started seeing this 11-11 what was what was your next move after you figure it out there was a sign or a symbol?

Simran: I'm not sure which one it falls under yes so you know the signs showed up for probably four or five weeks before I got frustrated enough at not knowing what they meant that I again spoke out loud and that is a key point that I talk about in the new book signs.  A lot of what has come to me is because I allowed myself to speak out loud and I think that our voices and our words have a lot of power.

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The Four Pillars of mastery

I kind of frustrated yelled out either tell me what these numbers mean or make them stop and in the moment I got this knowing of what the 11 11 signified and that specifically signified a Gateway. A Gateway of, four pillars of mastery, that we are each to walk through to create Mastery in our lives and those four pillars are:

  • physical
  • mental
  • emotional and
  • spiritual

Every experience that comes in our way is part of that Mastery that we are here to allow ourselves to engage those, four pillars, to grow us in our spiritual maturity. Once I understood that and then I got downloaded with this visions of 11 11 magazine and 11 11 talk radio and books that I would write and things like that.

I began to discover that the Universe speaks to us in all kinds of ways every single day multiple times using everything around us.

Myrna: That is awesome. What is the difference between, signs and symbols, and  synchronicity?

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Signs symbols and synchronicity

Signs and symbols, as those types of things that appear as the  mirror reflection, the momentary Guidance, the inkling to act or move or be inspired to make a shift or a change. That's why the subtitle of the book has to do with Pathways turning points and, divine guide posts, because signs will initiate one of those three things for you. Each of those has their own purpose.

Symbols to me are already full of meaning, they have a specific meaning, they stand for something, they are an emblem, they are a mascot, they are something that you use as a totem. So symbols would be something entirely different that you would embody the energy of. For example you may receive a cardinal as a sign at one time to be more colorful in Life or to be using your voice a little bit more.

Synchronicity to me is when we are completely aligned, when we are aligned in time in space in dimension, when higher self and lower self have come into Union. You will have moments of synchronicity when we really do master all four of those pillars and we become completely aligned in our masculine and our feminine.  What you will discover is that synchronicity is all of the time, it is only when we are misaligned to synchronicity happen as these momentary instances where we all of a sudden go oh my goodness I had synchronicity.

Myrna: If you were to tell someone that's just getting started with  signs should they should they get your first book Conversations with the Universe, or should they get your current book you are going to start from the top and go to the end?

Conversations with the Universe through signs

Simran:  Start at either book The the new book Signs is a very comprehensive way to have an understanding of what signs are and the middle section is many other people and their stories about signs.  So that you realize it's not just me saying it we're all seeing something we're all having this interaction and the third section of the book actually gives you practices to develop your own, conversation with the universe.

Once you've read this book that has just come out called Signs, if you want to go deeper and really understand some different examples and a lot of the other ways that the universe is speaking to you, then I would definitely go back and and order my first book Conversations with The Universe.  It's a three-time Gold Award winner nationally and internationally and it has a tremendous expanse of how signs appear and how to incorporate that information in your daily life.

Myrna:  We spent a lot of time talking about, signs and symbols, but as you said  we're in synchronicity every day, but we only recognize it when we are out of synchronicity. For instance when I think about synchronicities I think about  coincidences, there are no coincidences in life, every moment is as it should be. So um talk about that for a minute again, how we're always in synchronicity?

Simran: I have a section on synchronicity in the book. I do talk about things like deja vu, I talk about dreaming, I talk about some of those aspects of synchronicity.  I think the best way that I can explain it is you're driving down the highway and all of a sudden there's an exit and you take that exit and you go off on this scenic route, but then you end up back on the highway. The moment you end up back on the highway there's that exact Fruit Stand that you were looking for, that is synchronicity.

When we go off on our Scenic routes, oftentimes we're out of the direction or out of alignment, out of time with exactly the things that we're supposed to line up with, synchronicity tends to happen when we get back on track and we actually are in the right place at the right time.

Self-realization comes with alignment through synchronicity

In my own personal growth and self-realization, after seven books is that synchronicity is everywhere.  Our ego wants to look at only the good things, the things that we want as the synchronicity, but sometimes synchronicity is also that moment that you get fired from your job.  That can be a synchronicity because that was a pivotal moment to get you back on track.  So synchronicity can show up a lot of different ways, and in the end what the signs are attempting to do is to help you really become neutral and span out so you see life from this Grand perspective.

When you zoom out you see that all of the light and the shadow and the Darkness that shows up in your life, creates a really beautiful picture.  When you're down in it or you're focused too narrow on the situation that you're in it either looks like dark or light or something in between that you can't quite figure out and so we stay muddled in that kind of confused state.  But as we grow in our spirituality and we can really zoom out and look at the big picture of everything, we realize that every moment, every step through the light, every slip into the dark, every stumbling of confusion created a beautiful painting known as you.

Myrna:  Tell us about your book Signs: Every day Encounters with Pathways Turning Points and Divine Guideposts. Why did you write it and what do you want readers to walk away after reading.

Using signs as a divine guidepost

Simran: I wrote Signs because after 10 years, I had learned so much more from writing the first book Conversations with the Universe, I wanted individuals of today to understand that despite what is appearing in life, that life may be hard at times, but we don't have to make it as challenging.  We can utilize what life gave us as places to find reflection as moments, to Pivot and go down a different pathway.

We can use, signs and symbols, as a turning point to create a new life or a Divine guidepost to be that confirmation of a choice that we have made. I wanted individuals to understand how to trust more, how to expand on their intuition and that the Universe really does have their back. That they are in a partnership with Spirit whether they want to acknowledge that partnership or not, that spirit is always reaching out, whether it is numbers or songs or animal or books or experiences that are happening to them.

They simply need to look at each one and pause for a second and ask themselves where is that in me, what is that here to show me about me ,what is that inspiring within me?   As you start to understand these things, as you start to grow your connection with the practices and the protocols that I placed in the third section, you start to balance out your masculine and feminine energies.

You start to see that your life is not one moment to the next moment, but entirely a Threading of golden experiences that are leading you back to the truth of your soul and your expression on this planet as a beautiful human being and it as a Divine expression of God.

The trilogy of being: signs symbols and synchronicities

Myrna:  That's great, did you want to touch on your Trilogy of self-realization the living, being and knowing.  Do you want to talk about those books?

Simran: Sure I would love to thank you Myrna, that's wonderful. I also published this year a Trilogy that really is the multi-dimensional experience of being human.  If you had been given a set of instructions upon birth to come in with that you would be able to encounter any and every experience of Life the seven blessings start off with the blessing of life and in each blessing is a certain gift that we receive in that particular blessing. We actually have the gift of, signs and symbols, and synchronicities.

It's hard to see that this cycle of seven that you live through is going to be a cycle that you repeat over and over again because your growth as a human being and as a soul is not linear it is not circular.

Myrna: Simran how can our listeners get a copy of your books tell us your website, tell us if you're on social media what are your handles.


Simran:  Thank you Myrna my website is  you can go there and actually get discounted prices on the bundles of the trilogy or of conversations with the universe and signs and if you want all of my books, there's actually a special price bundle for that.  As well the books are available anywhere books are sold.   I invite you to partake of any of my free offerings. I give a lot away through 11 11 magazine and 11 11 Talk Radio in terms of content and on any of my social media.  I'm on Facebook LinkedIn Instagram you can look up Simran Singh 11 or you can look up I am simran 1111 all of which are accessible at my website.

Thank you guys for tuning in to the Transform Your Mind to transform your  life radio Podcast and television show, if you're listening to this on iTunes we'd love for you to leave a positive review if you were inspired.

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